Annogen incorporated to commercialize SuRE technology for Functional Genome Annotation. 

Amsterdam, December 2019

Annogen BV is an Amsterdam based biotech company focussed on functional genome annotation using its proprietary SuRE technology. Its sister company Gen-X BV has just signed an exclusive deal for use of SuRE for gene therapy with uniQure and consequently Annogen was incorporated with exclusive rights to commercialize the technology outside the gene therapy field. The company will apply its technology in several fields of interest including drug discovery, pharmacogenomics, cell therapy and agricultural biotechnology.

The SuRE technology enables the analysis of hundreds of millions of DNA elements for their activity as promoters or enhancers in a single experiment. The only required input is DNA and once a SuRE library is established it can analyzed and compared to other DNA sources in the controlled environment of any transfectable cell type. Thus, without the requirement of invasive biopsies, any genome of interest can be analyzed in relevant cell types and under relevant  conditions, enabling the identification of regulatory DNA elements as well as the genetic variation in these elements that define traits and diseases in humans, plants and animals.

Annogen has its labs and offices at the Amsterdam Science Park.

What Distinguishes Annogen In Gene Promoter Design?

What Distinguishes Annogen In Gene Promoter Design?

What makes Annogen’s promoter design stand-out from other providers? A valid question. Let’s put this in historical context. Gene promoter design is nothing new: as early as the 1980’s, researchers began to understand different components within promoters, e.g. TATA...




