What Distinguishes Annogen In Gene Promoter Design?

What makes Annogen’s promoter design stand-out from other providers? A valid question. Let’s put this in historical context.

Gene promoter design is nothing new: as early as the 1980’s, researchers began to understand different components within promoters, e.g. TATA box and transcription factor binding sites. In parallel, the viral promoters still used today (CMV, CAG, …) were already in use.

Advancements in genomics and bioinformatics since the 2000s allowed for better understanding of tissue-specific gene expression and promoter functioning. This allowed scientists to construct #syntheticpromoters from scratch.

Using #AI and #machinelearning, many nowadays rely on the vast amounts of chromatin, transcriptional and functional genomics data to predict which regulatory sequences could be candidate promoters. Driven by innovation, Annogen is also levering such databases wherever possible.

But what makes Annogen stand out?

  • Large proprietary database: Using our proprietary SuRE™ platform, Annogen has established a large proprietary database for promoter activity of millions of DNA sequences in many cell types.
  • Tailored generation of novel databases: We can design bespoke screening programs for conditions for which no public databases exist such as very specific stimulatory conditions in a particular cell type.
  • Not just predictions, but testing – even in vivo: Public databases and our proprietary databases inform our promoters designs, which we then validate in the appropriate cell-system, including the testing of thousands of promoter designs in parallel in vivo.
  • Iterative process: We take advantage of our efficient technology platform to go through iterations of design, including the combining of potent elements to get you your optimal design within very tight project timelines.

Taken together, this means that we can design novel promoters elements based on your particular requirements for your #advancedtherapy and validate them before handing them over to you.

No other company provides validation, scale and precision at this level.

Leading pharma companies understand this and therefore trust us with their promoter design.

Learn more about SuRE™ Technology 




